It’s amazing how big life changes can really cause you to take inventory and redefine yourself. I’m still young, so my opinions are still forming. While some points about me are solid, others are more like baby-stool. I have friends who think I’m a hardcore socialist, while others may be inclined to believe I’m on the verge of a Republican breakthrough.
Truth be told, I’m a bit of a chameleon, which can be both good and bad. What I mean by that is, I ally myself with whoever is around, but not in a pandering, disingenuous way. Rather, I like to hear what other people say, often learning from other opinions, while adding to the little knowledge I already have. This can leave people with the impression that I am ‘on their side.’ I don’t know whose side I am on, but here is a list—in no particular order—of some of my core beliefs, although I’ve left out some of my most private, passionate beliefs- those are for me alone:
I believe that Man, when left to his own devices, is corrupt. Centuries of conflict and war have proven that to me, if William Golding hasn’t.
I believe that Man is capable of doing great things.
I believe love is truly all you need (if you don’t count food, water and shelter). I also believe it’s more elusive than people realize; it’s more beautiful than we can imagine; and it’s more potent than any drug I know of. Furthermore, I think you are naïve not to believe this, not the other way around.
I believe that the woman I’m marrying in May is one of the sexiest, funniest, most beautiful creatures on the planet.
I believe the written word, when deftly handled, is the second most compelling and inspiring thing ever executed by man.
I believe that music, when deftly handled, is the most compelling and inspiring thing ever executed by man.
I believe family is extremely important, and that I have the best Mom on the planet.
I believe that, while it may help people better sort me (and therefore pigeonhole me), I don’t need an “elevator pitch” (ie a 30 second speech you could give someone in an elevator) of my core beliefs. I believe that to have such a pitch would belie the complexity of my personality and the fusion of all the elements, biological and psychological, that shape me.
I believe that pretension sucks.
I believe that people who are too sensitive to pretension are secretly impressed and need to grow up.
I believe that green is the most beautiful, complex colour, and there’s a reason the world is full of it.
I believe that charity—true charity—is a fine thing.
I believe, and have always maintained, that the Iraq war was the wrong decision. While the removal of a murderous dictator was one of the best consequences of the war, it’s hard to argue that his removal was the primary objective, especially considering the still-thriving dictators and contemporary acts of genocide in places like Darfur (acts which still go unchecked), which calls into question the consistency of said arguments. I believe that there was a complex set of reasons that compelled the U.S. Government into military operations in Iraq, the chief among these being to secure (or attempt to secure) the stability of the Middle East. I believe the invasion made effective use of the 9/11 attacks by intentionally overstating the relationship between Saddam and Osama, and their respective regimes. I also truly believe that George W. Bush acted in what he felt was America’s best interest, and not out of malice, as many leftists believe.
I believe that what America perceives as being in its best interest, is not in the best interest of the rest of the world and, consequently, not actually in the best long-term interests of America, itself.
I believe that most people think they’re smarter than they really are.
I believe I’m smarter than I really am.
I believe that gluttony is out of control, and it is an utterly repulsive thing; that the world is a beautiful, living phenomenon and we are killing it just as fast as we possibly can. I believe that to ignore environmental issues is selfish and shortsighted.
I believe socialism is the most creative, most perfect form of government ever devised. I also believe that human imperfection renders true socialism an impossibility.
I believe that capitalism is a flawed economic system. While I believe rewarding hard work and ingenuity is a noble thing, I fear a system that blindly pursues profit regardless of the (sometimes) devastating social and environmental impact of said profit. I believe that there is no better system, so it behooves us as citizens of the world to keep these corporations accountable and to not allow them to financially contribute to government campaigns whatsoever, among many other sins.
I believe that capital punishment is a draconian, inhumane practice that needs to stop. I also believe that punitive justice is an ineffective vehicle for reform which often encourages further crime. Again, in the absence of a better tradition, I believe we need to get creative, especially for non-violent crimes.
I believe “fade away” is a lyrical cliché and it needs to stop.
I believe we live in a culture of blame-shifting. No one is taught the nobility of owning up to one’s crimes. Also, I believe that not every tragedy requires blame; sometimes bad things happen and it’s no one’s fault. However, when it is someone’s fault, I think proper justice and accountability should be imposed.
I think that people who use human life to make a political point are despicable, wicked creatures. There are no words strong enough in the languages of men to describe these maggots or their poison. Firefighters fight fires, crime-fighters fight crime; what are freedom-fighters fighting?
I believe that ‘reality’ television is an inferior form of entertainment, but that it highlights a natural human tendency towards voyeurism.
I believe that guitar is the coolest instrument ever invented.
I believe that piano is the most beautiful instrument ever invented.
I believe the current Democrat party is the most poorly-planned, leaderless political party in memory.
I believe moderation is the only way to go. Extremists claim a life of moderation is lukewarm; I would say, balanced.
I believe hedonists are the saddest group of people on the planet.
I believe celebrity doesn’t earn you the right to speak, but rather the responsibility to know when to speak and when not to.
I believe the best form of censorship is the one which allows an extremist to speak his mind, but trumps his idea with a better one.
I believe that America’s favourite pastime is envying the rich.
I believe judgment should be reserved for judges.
I believe that to push the above beliefs on someone else is not only arrogant, it’s highly ineffective. I believe the best way to win someone to my point of view, if that’s indeed what I want, is to show how effective or ineffective my life has been while living under the principal beliefs I hereby profess.
Despite their corruptible nature, I believe most people want to be good, and to that end, most people try very hard to overcome ignorance and greed to achieve that goal.
I believe I have a lot more to say, but this is a good start.