Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Yappety yap

There's a man at my work who I simply can't stand. He's the guy in the office. Y'know, that guy everyone hates. The selfish jerk who gets everyone else to pick up his slack, who microwaves fish on high at 9:00 in the morning (thereby stinking up the whole office). He's the archtypical kind of guy who orders lunch on the company credit card and then tries to sell it back to the company and pocket the money. You know, that guy. This man has been getting on my nerves for a long time and I have no problem vocalizing my issues with him.

Today he wrote a letter to a client saying he'd send his customer service agent (that's me) in due time. I promptly wrote him back and informed him that I'm not his customer service agent, that I serve the company and that such language implies a hierarchy where none exists. My letter was reasonable, and yet he cc'd it to the President of the company as well as my Manager. Excuse me Pat--, uh Mr. anonymous, can we deal with this like adults or do you need to run and tell the President? Did I mention this man is in his 40s? I will not miss that guy when I leave the company.
In other news, I think celebrities are cruel when they give their babies stupid monikers. My personal favorite, besides "Apple" is "Pilot Inspector", the name of Jason Lee's son. Just rediculous.


Blogger Dayray said...

This man sounds like a real asshole. I can't believe that people like that hold down a job. Unbelievable!

I think I'm going to name my first child "Peanut"...what do you think?

4:58 AM  
Blogger Evert Heskes said...

Some people have guts. Its to bad that they are often successful in conning others to do their job.

The world would be a better place without this characteristic in people.

3:15 PM  

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