Saturday, February 03, 2007

Weff Riddles- Batch 1 complete!

I mentioned this riddle site in an earlier post, but it is really worth checking out, for those of you who like to test and stretch your brain. While Dara likes to stretch her brain, she normally doesn't have time for little puzzles and games, as she is a busy woman. Indeed, she originally waved the puzzles off as a waste of time. Yet now, she is a weff riddles champion who is blowing past each riddle with great speed. The ones I can't get, she can, and vice versa. It's been nice to have a project to work on together.

Speaking of needing something to work on: apparently, I have to work on my heavy foot. Today I got a speeding ticket (my first in the U.S.) Considering my delicate (and somewhat tenuous) situation here, it could have gone a lot worse. Still, it's a bad day when you get a speeding ticket. Let's just hope I don't have the same Groundhog Day as Bill Murray did when he kept having to repeat Feb 2 over and over again in (you guessed it) Groundhog Day. If I were to repeat a day over and over again, I wouldn't want it to be this one (although I guess I would be able to re-do the speeding thing and avoid it this time... so I guess that would be good).

Peace out
PS- I just can't watch the TV show Wife Swap. It makes me too angry.


Blogger Lori said...

Okay, funny story.

Last year, I got the internet for the first time in my life. I got a blog and I started reading all of my friends. There was this one song on my friend's (whom you know)that got stuck in my head. Well, anyways, I've been trying to download it but I didn't know who it was by, and googling the lyrics turns up nothing. Anyways, I'm a student so I'm very good at research so I found out who this song was by and it was you.
So, today I was cruising around and I ended up on the Berlington website. Now, Berlington used to be Trouble With Ferguson who before this was Madison Avenue. Now, my (almost) husband is Matt Hills who was the bass player for them from the very beginning-- until last year. I saw that you wrote their Bio. I saw that you're from TO. I saw that you were in Crutch. And now it all makes sense.

So, ya... there's the degrees.

11:29 AM  

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