Monday, January 01, 2007

The year in review

The new year is upon us. The media has already given us our top ten lists of the year, including Top 10 biggest names in 2006 deaths (including two late entries by James Brown, President Ford and Saddam Hussein), Top 10 movies (two of my pics would be "Little Miss Sunshine" and "Stranger than Fiction"), and Top 10 shameful celebrity moments (hint: most would include Britney Spears and O.J. Simpson).

On the personal side, I got married in sunny Hawaii to the beautiful Dara Harrison (nee Golden). Together we are continuing our Southern California journey, which includes the addition of a spunky little cat named schmaty. Throughout 2006, with the aid of my brother-in-law, I've worked on some secret skills (about 5% of the way there!), I've hired a lawyer (unrelated), I bought a car with my wife (Balcario!), and I assembled no less than three pieces of Ikea furniture. I've made new friends and had friends move away. Sadly, we lost dear Uncle Lawrence in 2006 and the loss is still keenly felt throughout the family.

Which makes 2006 a year of hardships, as well as great joy (the wedding). As I write this brief post, expressing my hopes for a better 2007, I know that my family at home is sad. Poor little Celeste, the beloved family cat, passed away on the very first day of 2007. As bad a sign as that can seem, my hopes for a good 2007 remain. I know Mom, Evert and Ashley were especially fond of Celeste, yet I hope their sadness is assuaged--even slightly--with the knowledge that she is no longer suffering. Celeste was perhaps the most photographed animal ever, and one of the most beloved. Her memories will continue on throughout the years.

So 2007 will be a year, not of resolutions, but of hope for a better future and a calmer passage through the seas of life.


Blogger Dayray said...

You are far better at recapping the year than I am. I miss my Uncle very much and I appreciate you mentioning him in your blog. I'm also sorry about your cat. She was a super sweet cat.

8:35 AM  

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