Saturday, January 13, 2007

My eyes are bigger than my stomach

Ever dine at an all-you-can-eat buffet and you excitedly heap on your first plate, only to find out you can’t eat it all? You want so much of what there is to offer that the portions you choose are greater than that which you can consume. Well, this famous cliché applies to more than just food.

I’ve been blessed with an abundance of friends and family who all want to spend time with me as much as I do with them. When the loved ones around me invite me out, I usually get excited and say yes. Unfortunately, as the title suggests, sometimes your eyes are bigger than your stomach. What sounds like a good idea on a Monday morning, can seem overwhelming by Saturday afternoon, as the details roll in, or as other situations arise, or as fatigue falls in around you, or as you realize you have nothing to wear, or any number of reasons occur, which make you look like the flake you probably are.

The unintended consequence here is that you can hurt those close to you, and I can only hope those around me know that they are loved and that while the spirit is willing, the flesh is weak. Or, that my eyes are bigger than my stomach.


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