Monday, July 24, 2006

Catching up

I just caught up on my emails, I finished a bio (which took me forever to finish!) and now I have time to sit with my guitar and write songs, although my blog hasn’t been getting any love lately. So here are a few quick points:

First and foremost, Dara completed her first day of work today. It sounded like she had a good time, and that her reputation is already on the rise (this always happens when Dara starts a new job- she’s like a rock star of the corporate world). I’m very proud of my Dayray and I know she’ll succeed. My main concern is that she enjoys her time while at work. Tonight she and a few executives from her office went out to the Cheesecake Factory where it sounds like she had a great time. Have a great second day babe!


And now on to bitter posts:

Today on KNX 1070, Anchor Jim Thornton, in conversation about the heat, said that he was literally sweating bullets. Well Jim, you will be a handy addition to middle-eastern forces if you can literally sweat bullets- oh the money they‘ll save on munitions! To see (or hear, in this case) a journalist bastardize the English language like that is just sickening. Especially when it followed this:

California legislators are tossing around the idea of banning the use of handheld cell-phones. On KABC 790, host Larry Elder (who seems like a decent guy) unflinchingly shot down the idea of legislating away the so-called “right” to use the cell phone while driving. Larry’s argument was one of consistency: why not make a law against sleepy drivers? If you’re going to make it illegal to drive and use the cell, why not make it illegal to eat and drive at the same time? Legislate smoking out of the car.

Well, I know I’m supposed to respect my elders, but the consistency argument is a little flaccid. Especially when you consider that they’re not the same things. While eating might be the same thing, and should probably be given consideration (ever try to eat a whopper driving down the 5?), how would the police possibly enforce a law where sleepy people are kept away from the steering wheel? Cops would pull people over saying, “sir, I pulled you over because your eyelids looked droopy.” “Oh, sorry officer. I’m actually just stoned right now.” “Right. Carry on.”

The thing that annoyed me most about Larry’s attitude is that he wouldn’t even acknowledge any danger inherent in the increasing distractions in a car. He mocked the idea. For him, there are those who can handle driving with a phone, and those who can’t (he obviously places himself in the former category). The arrogance in his stance is repugnant; he wouldn’t even acknowledge the arguments of his detractors, and none of his callers seemed to, either. It wasn’t a talk-show, it was a “right to drive and talk” pep rally.

What bothers me so much about this kind of stance is the unwillingness to even look at the other side. Larry was searching for calls to reinforce the idea that driving with a cell phone is completely safe- and never once explored its possible dangers. Where is the growth in that? What does his audience get from that? Would his mind change if someone mowed down an entire family walking on the sidewalk as they were dialing in to his show? I highly doubt it would. He’d place that driver in the “irresponsible” category, while he and his callers are all capable drivers, and completely immune to crashing when dialing a 10-digit number (which is utter bullshit). All but the most realistic and humble people think they’re better singers than they are. Same goes with driving. How can you objectively state that you’re responsible enough to use a cell phone while driving, and another person is not. The issue clearly demands attention, but according to Larry, it doesn’t. The damn filthy government should leave their hands off this issue, as with most issues.

Well, Larry, the reason they’re looking at this issue is because, when these people get into car crashes, they kill or wound others. The reason we have laws in the first place is to protect society against other members of society. What other laws inconvenience you, Mr. Elder? You impede progress with your arrogance , and it makes me sick.

Whoa. Where’d that come from? Probably leftover from the other day when I was listening to Rush Limbaugh (yes, I tried it out for about as long as I could… which amounted to five minutes or so). I tried to keep an open mind, but Rush was also arrogant (to a degree that would make Larry Elder blush), and simply would not concede that the global warming issue could be an issue at all. He was condescending and, in a mocking tone, declared how he bravely played golf three times a week in the blinding heat- and has done so for years. Well thank you for performing that indisputable proof that global warming doesn’t exist, Rush. And what an act of bravery. Kids in Africa could learn from your courage. Thanks for exploring the issue for us. Oh, and the marinade of sarcasm and venom you injected into your words for us few granola-eating, berkenstock-wearing listeners out there was much-appreciated. You are a fat, rich man, and all you can think to do is to berate people who look to make modern urban man and his rituals accountable. Maybe lefties can be a little parochial in their pursuit of a better planet, but it’s hard to question their motives, when a healthy, peaceful planet are their goals. You hate naive altruism? What about blind arrogance?

What’s your motive, Rush? What harm does it do to just look at the issue; give it some thought? Consult some scientists who aren’t on the payroll of a large energy company, and then make up your mind.

How’s that for sarcasm and venom?

And to those spicegirl neighbors of mind, an you please go to bed now?


Blogger LTA said...

You think Rush is bad. Spend 5 minutes with Randy Rhodes over at Err America. She's Rush on steroids, only with a nagging Jewish-lady accent. Yuck!

Larry Elder is usually excellent. He virtually always engages callers who disagree with facts and statistics. He is especially hard on black leftists who perpetuate a victim mentality, which he feels does a disservice to his community (he's African-American). You should hear the hatred that comes toward him from black people. Wow.

Larry was a hard-core libertaian until recently, when he changed his party affiliation to Republican. His libertarian leanings make him big on personal responsibility and not so big on government intervention (e.g. the dude thinks illicit drugs should be legalized).

I met him once. Besides being extremely intelligent, he's very nice. Maybe you caught him on a bad day. Or maybe you just want the government to take away your car phone privelages.

2:10 AM  
Blogger Myke said...

Her name is Randy Rhodes? Weird. If she's Rush on steroids, that might be too much, although there's something to be said about people who are so extreme, they're almost cartoonish, and in that way the become comical and toothless. Rush is right on that border for me (in my 5 minute direct exposure to his show), but an angry-enough man, that he still bothers me.

Larry seems like a reasonable guy, which is why I got so incensed when he didn't seem interested in exploring the other side of the issue. But then, I only listened to the show for 40 minutes or so, so I guess I can't get too angry. I haven't written off Larry or his show, but I might venture a call in to his show next time I seem to be the only one in disagreement with said host. Perhaps when I've pulled to the side of the road for a moment.

1:47 PM  

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