Thursday, June 08, 2006

The wedding- Cliff's notes version

I feel like I should offer a few words on the blissful matrimony I experienced just a few weeks ago in May, but as the date gets further away, I have less and less to say about it. Not that there’s not a lot to talk about. But the day is becoming more internalized, and I have described it to so many people, I feel like my best efforts to paint the events of May 21, 2006 will come up flaccid. But for the benefit of my loving audience (hi again, Mom), I will take a stab at it.

May 26 (oops, 21) started out relatively relaxed; breakfast with my friend (and Dara’s bridesmaid) Derek, lunch with my family at the Hilton, and then final preparations for the big day. Anyone who knows me knows I’m not a naturally organized guy, so I was a bit worried about those final wedding prep items (pick up the suit from the cleaners, pick up the chuppah from the officiants, pick up the bouquet….) Surprisingly, it worked out. I didn’t forget anything, or leave anything behind, although I did find myself rushing, showering and dressing at the eleventh hour.

I arrived at the scene of the crime, a beautiful place called the Palace Garden which overlooked a lagoon. The funny thing about getting married is how quickly the moment changes from hectic running around to a surreal, intimate moment with you and the people closest to you. You step through a portal which divides life before marriage and life afterwards. The transition is almost instant, and I don’t want to over-dramatize the moment (a common flaw in my writing), but one minute I’m rushing to get ready for some ceremony, and the next minute I turn my head and there is my bride.

And what can you say about a moment like that? You just can’t say anything. You accept it. You step through that portal (now rushing up at you) and you smile as you realize this stunning woman is here for you.

What can I say about the ceremony itself? It was us. A little chaotic; a little disorganized; completely unrehearsed; and it was perfect (not to say we’re perfect, though). There were laughs and there were tears as the sun dropped down behind us. Larry played “Here, There, Everywhere” by the Beatles; a song which represents our love and our season of transition, and all the places we love and that are important to us. We met and fell in love in Toronto, got engaged in New York, were married in Hawaii and will reside in California. It was fitting that there were people from all over.

The ceremony concluded in the traditional way: soft kiss (“church kiss” they called it on The Wedding Singer), me stamping the crap out of some poor, defenseless glass, a hoorah and we’re off to the reception. We’re married!

The reception was held in a beautiful place called “Lagoon Lanai.” I’m deceiving you here a little bit, because the reception was about a stone’s throw away from the palace gardens, but it was overlooking a waterfall across a small river. I find it funny to point out that Dog the Bounty Hunter of reality TV fame got married just one day before us in the very place we did.

I think the only hiccup of the night occurred when the music didn’t start out perfectly, but we got it sorted out (my iTunes was my DJ for the night) and the caterers did the rest. The food was amazing, and I had a great time making my way from table to table, spending time with family and friends. What a great way to spend a night!

I was blown away when the speeches came and both my parents and my sister Cherie (all of whom are not known for the extroverted personalities) got up on stage to give a speech. I was floored. Dara’s parents also gave nice speeches (not to mention her brother) and then Dara and I got up and gave it a shot ourselves, which led into our first dance, which led into our dance with our parents (which was all nice).

I’m doing the evening a disservice by recapping it this briefly, but take my word for it: a good time was had by all. Most importantly, I made a commitment to my lady to be together always, and so did she. And that was a beautiful thing.

PS I milked a dolphin.


Blogger Dayray said...

Ok, here's the thing...It sounds like our wedding, but the date is kinda off (you said the 26th of May and it was on the 21st). Maybe you pulled a Quantum Leap and changed the day or something? Or maybe you got married a second time at the same location as the first? Or maybe you were just really tired when writing this entry. I'm going to have to go with this option (although the other situations are equally possible).

9:59 AM  
Blogger LTA said...


8:01 PM  
Blogger LTA said...

Actually, you did a very good job of recapping. That summed it up as well as you could do it on a blog, I guess. It was an awesome wedding and a pleasure to be there. Love you guys!

8:02 PM  

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