Sunday, June 18, 2006

Two points to make

There’s so much to talk about right now; I’m just going to give you the abbreviated version of two issues for today:

To the ELF/ALF (Earth/Animal Liberation Front), I have this to say:

To use violence as a means of affecting change, will not bring about the kind of change you want. Ask Hitler. Ask Al Zarwahiri exactly how effective a tool violence has been for him? Death and violence only marginalizes your cause and your voice. As members of a democratic society, you should know that already.

“60 Minutes” did a report on the Earth /Animal Liberation Fronts (ELF/ALF). Members of these related groups advocate violence, manifested in arson and bombings, in order to send their message. And that message is: the earth is going to have revenge for the violence that has been done to it.

I agree that man has done a really good job of subduing the world, and it upsets me, but not to the point of wanting to bomb buildings.

The report indicated that the E/ALF have together been responsible for more than $100 million in damage in the U.S. Imagine using that money to invest in new energy technologies, or alternatives to animal experimentation. Instead, these organizations have been forces of destruction and divisiveness.

And to the man (a practicing surgeon) who feels it’s acceptable to kill 10-15 humans to save a million “non-human lives,” I say--if it’s your job to save people’s lives--you need a new profession. Animals aren’t the same as humans. They’re not the same as the slaves were; they never will be. They have no ability to reason. As a doctor, you should understand the food chain. Do you suppose the dinosaurs agonized over eating their food? Hey Rex, I’m thinking of switching to tofu. Um, no.

To you people in these so-called “Liberation Fronts,” you do a disservice to the cause. You make me sick.

And in other news:

Right now, North Korea is preparing to test a long-range nuclear missile, capable of reaching the U.S., Iran is belligerently raving about the destruction of Israel, simultaneously enriching [weapons-grade?] uranium. The U.S. is deployed and over-extended in Iraq, with nary a WMD to be found. It’s not my army, but I’m going to have to say that, strategically, I think I disagree with the leaders in a certain five-walled building, about which threats were most immediate to the U.S., and the world.


Blogger LTA said...

Yeah! Let's invade Liechtenstein. We'll give Murtha command of our forces. He can order sorties from Okinawa to bomb the snot out of those imperialist bastards (there's no oil there, right?). Hopefully, he wont cut and run once one of our guys gets a hangnail.

10:52 PM  
Blogger Myke said...

I'm just impressed you can spell Liechtenstein. I would definitely have to look that up. But you overlooked Burkina Faso- talk about imperialist bastards! Pretty soon, the whole world will live under the tyranical banner of Burkina Faso.

9:42 AM  

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