Tuesday, November 01, 2005

C’est L’alloween:

ameson: Yesterday was my last day of work at Jameson and I should feel relieved. I have this piece of advice for anyone who’s given in his/her notice: never leave work on a Monday! Monday is an anticlimactic day to leave your job, especially if you’ve worked there four years. That it was Halloween probably added to the surreal nature of the day.

I started the day in a funk because of personal issues. I don’t know if there’s anything harder to break free from than the momentum of a bad mood. So I suppose it was mostly my fault that my last day was a bad day. I’m not sure what I was expecting in a last day, but it was unceremonious. Friday was great; by Monday, it felt like I had overstayed my welcome. Everything was colourless and unexciting.

When I was finished tying up loose administrative ends, I met Dara at the Keg’s Haunted Mansion. What a relief to see my little lady. She helped expunge the day’s weariness. It was also great to see my friend Derek and by the end of the night, I was forgetting my crappy last day.

When I woke up this morning, I picked up my going-away card and read the messages therein. There were some touching moments, some funny moments, a few erotic moments—it was nice. I prefer to take those nice memories away, rather than the slush that was Monday the 31st of October.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so sorry your last day was such a let down. I think that everyone was just in such denial about you leaving that they couldn't show their emotional state or they would have spent the day in tears.

2:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who needs Jameson when you have a lovely blonde bombshell? Exactly!

5:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm getting out of this place so fast...

6:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So this one time I was in the bathroom at the office right and I'd finished my 'business' and got ready for the clean-up.

I look over and there is no TP. None. Not even a square.

I knew there was someone else in the washroom at the time so I figured I had 2 choices; wait it out or hobble out and into the next stall.

I hobbled. And was relieved to see Myke's face when I opened the door and did my crab walk to the other stall. That memory will always 'stick' with me.

The Wookie.

6:50 AM  
Blogger Myke said...

I have a tear in my eye just thinking of that moment. Certainly I was crying back then!

8:44 AM  

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