Sunday, August 05, 2007

Blogger's block

My wife has been trying to encourage me to blog, owing to my rather infrequent postings lately. I haven't felt much like blogging lately, not because there's nothing to write about, but rather because I've been busy writing non-blog related material. In accordance with a promise I made myself, I've been getting up an hour early to do some writing, and I'm pretty excited about it. The past two weeks have been spent working on a short story, that has climbed to 30 pages and counting. I should be done my first draft early this week. It's no great masterpiece, but as Natalie Goldberg suggests, I'm "Writing Down the Bones." That is to say, I've been practicing; shaking off the rust from writing. As you can tell, I need to do a lot more shaking.

In any case, things have been going relatively well. Dara is still sans employment (a source of increasing frustration for her), but we've been keeping busy to try to pass the time. To save money, we've been eating at home a lot more (I'd say 94% of our meals), which has been difficult. It's also made us more creative. We've had pot roast, and even fondue. We've been entertaining ourselves on the cheap, which has included swimming in our beautiful pools, going to $7 movies (courtesy Irvine Company cheap movie tickets, and occasionally sticking around for a second movie) and renting.

So as you can see, there's not too much for me to write about these days. Pot roast doesn't make for exciting blogs. But maybe I'll have some stories to share soon enough.

Peace out.


Blogger Dayray said...

We should do fondue again. It was so yummy!!!

10:14 AM  

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