Saturday, March 31, 2007

Driveway bloggings

Shout out to some Republicans in the house.

I heard a radio interview with Presidential hopeful, Rudolph Giuliani, and I must say I respect him. Although he does have some left-leaning social views (not even the ones I tend to sympathize with), Giuliani is generally on the opposite side of the political spectrum as me, but I do respect him. I respect him because he’s articulate, and passionate and charismatic. I believe that his ideals were formed in the crucible of time and life, and not spouted as political rhetoric read from the conservative handbook. When he speaks, he is not a puppet, and his viewpoints don’t sound like well-rehearsed dogma meant to prop up an ailing agenda. When Giuliani says we should stay in Iraq, I believe that he believes that that is the best course of action. I don’t agree with him, but I admire his conviction. He’s a likeable guy. Say what you will about the current POTUS, but he is a lightning rod of controversy and division. I believe that a Giuliani character could draw together a divided nation. Not that I would vote for him in an election (even if I could), but RG at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave… there are worse things in the world.

In the same vain, I respect Arnold Schwartzeneggar. Again, sometimes known as a left-leaning Republican, I mostly respect him because of his work ethic and his tenacity. Arny really believes he can help people and, although I think it is a chasm of divided loyalties, I think his heart is in the right place.

Oh and, um, Karl Rove proved the axiom that white men can’t dance.


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