Monday, October 10, 2005

Macca: The New Adjective

Paul McCartney is not a name, it's an adjective. PM is synonymous with quality and creativity, a great show and consummate professionalism, through and through. In the future, when children hand in essays to their teachers, their teachers will respond by saying, "well done, Bobby. That was a Paul McCartney essay!" What a compliment!

As you can guess, I attended the Paul McCartney show tonight. I missed his last round of tours (circa "Driving Rain" era) because I was on tour myself, but tonight everything was rectified (literally and figuratively, if you count the amps). What an incredible show; pure Macca throughout. The only questionable selection of the night was Mull of Kintyre, which is not my favorite Wings song. All the classics were there: Hey Jude, Long and Winding..., She Came In Through the Bathroom Window, Maybe I'm Amazed, Live and Let Die (oh those percussions!)... I was impressed with their rendition of Helter Skelter, which I found even more aggressive and edgy than on the original. Also, I've been enjoying the new album. The new songs dovetail perfectly with the old ones (particularly Jenny Wren). Oh, and I could have sworn I saw Jason Falkner. Or not. All in all, a great night.

*Side note: for those of you who like to smoke pot and dance like a prick, sing at the top of your lungs (and out of key, I might add) or yell with frathouse enthusiasm for a man in his 60s, I appreciate your zeal, but please remember there are other people at the concert. Sorry.


Blogger Dayray said...

It was a marvelous show! Fun was had by all! Damn those people that yell and jump around like pricks.

4:55 AM  

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