Sunday, December 21, 2008

Doesn't Anybody Stay in One Place Anymore?

I have been living in California for almost as long as I've been updating this blog, which dates back to late 2005. Three years ago I embarked on a years-long dream to live in the Golden State, and I took along with me my then-fiancee, a suitecase full of clothes, and some books. Our trials and our good times have been well documented on our blogs or in other arenas.

The toughest obstacle was obtaining my greencard. But we also went through periods of unemployment, lonliness, and homesickness. We have also had fun getting to know our friends here, and sharing good times. We've enjoyed the new restaurants (Melting Pot, foremost among them), Disney, San Diego, San Francisco, Central Coast, Napa, Santa Monica, and our peaceful, if infrequent, walks on the beach. Of course, we can't forget our little rag, Schmaty, who was abandoned, and subsequently rescued and smothered with attention. I have especially enjoyed my lunchtime visits with my sister, which we have finally managed to attend to with regularity.

But it has been apparant to us for some time that, despite the mixture of good and bad, the beautiful weather, and the proximity to family, California has never been a perfect fit for us. Perhaps it was a scapegoat for our suffering during the harder times. Perhaps it's true that we never really gave the place a fair shake; never truly gave ourselves over to the southland. But somewhere between my first magical visit here and the actual move, my tastes changed. At some point during our stay here, we realized that California isn't our home. So we've decided to move home.

This makes it difficult, as the relationships we have cultivated here over the years will now be put to the test of distance (the same way our Canadian relationships have been tested and, for the most part, have endured). Nevertheless, it is difficult telling the people you love that you're moving away.  When I moved here, one of Carol King's immortal songs kept playing in my head, "So far away. Doesn't anybody stay in one place anymore?" Here, again, the words come back to me. 

To answer her question, no, people don't stay in one place. For some reason or another, we are compelled to try on new locations, like a new set of clothes, to see what fits. My sister moved here over 15 years ago, and found that this place, over time, has come to fit her. A fitting analogy, perhaps, because she's always been so stylish and fashionable. So now to carry this analogy to its clumsy ending, I realize this place just doesn't quite fit us.

But in the sadness of parting, when goodbyes are difficult, I invoke more words from Carol King: "Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall, all you have to do is call, and I'll be there. You've got a friend."


Blogger Cherbear said...

Great blog Myke! You made me cry with the last paragraph. A good cry though. I love you and will miss you more than you realize!

2:10 PM  
Blogger Myke said...

I love you too Cherbear. Sorry to make you cry, but I hope you know you are loved. (Dara thought my last paragraph was 'cheesy but she liked it,'- silly Dara).

3:28 PM  

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